Author Archives: admin

“Security Comes From Knowing That, Whatever Happens, You Can Handle It…” (And Other Wisdom I’m Remembering)

Sometimes I read stuff I wrote way back when, and I think, “I wrote that… I didn’t even know that I knew that?” ‘Cos I forget, you know. I wrote this post in Sept 2009. Today I’m remembering it and wanted to share this adapted version with you. I found this video of a sand…

Who’s The Biggest Loser?

There’s a really interesting article at Psychology Today about the way that we look at each other’s lives and compare our grief. My thoughts… hierarchies of loss are inaccurate inventions Because of the work I do, I end up having a lot of conversations with people about loss and grief. I guess they intuitively sense that…

When Grief Turns Your Family And Social World Upside Down

I’ve had a few emails recently from people who are struggling with the social repercussions of tragedy and loss. They’re shocked to find that, on top of the pain of the child or parent or spouse they lost, their whole social world has been turned upside down. People that they used to feel close to…

4 Simple And Inexpensive Ways To Heal After Loss

As I look back over the past year since our daughter died in-utero, I was at first surprised by the things that made the most difference to my health, sense of wellbeing and hope. 5 Practices stood out way above everything else, but we didn’t learn about these 5 practices in my Social Work studies….

Reality Is Diverse

“Reality is diverse.” – Nancy Kline I’ve had the memory of this quote pop into my head frequently over the past year. It comes from Nancy Kline, the author of Time To Think and the creator of a really useful change process called, “The Thinking Environment. It’s so simple that you could pass it by and…

The Bastards

My grandfather was a very polite, well-mannered man his whole life. A real “good boy,” he ate healthy, exercised regularly and went to church. He was a calm, loving and involved husband, father and grandfather, and a friendly and generous host. He was gentle and optimistic, and I never once saw him grumpy, raising his…