Tag Archive: love

Do You Need Your Friends & Family To Approve Of The Way You’re Grieving?

Last week I posted my “How Can I Heal?” article on Facebook and two of my wonderful friends commented in response to the article. Here’s what Rebekah said… And then Dana said this… Seeking approval in our grieving Do you find yourself seeking approval in your grieving, and wanting your friends and family to validate…

Some Thoughts on Love And Grief

Love is both the reason for grief and the salve to soothe grief. What a smart design! When we open to love, we can’t avoid grief, but we also can’t avoid healing and transformation and the gentle softening of our grief into more love. Grief isn’t a toxin that needs to be purged out of…

Why I’m Not Pursuing “Closure”

The word “closure” is a popular word that gets bandied around when we’re talking about loss and grieving. It was popularized by Kubler-Ross in her theory of the 5 stages of grieving and more recently has been called into question by George Bonano and other mental health practitioners working in the field of bereavement. (Bonano’s…